WelcomeJoAnn Durgin

If you enjoy reading contemporary Christian romantic adventures with great characters, humor, witty banter and dramatic conflict with a moving plot line (and sometimes a touch of intrigue), then you’ve come to the right place! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and spend a few minutes!

JoAnn Durgin is a USA Today bestselling author named one of the “35 Essential Christian Romance Authors” in 2018 by Family Fiction Magazine. A former estate administration paralegal, she writes contemporary Christian romance full-time. JoAnn loves nothing more than sharing the hope, grace, and mercy found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. After living in various states across the country, she lives with her family in her native southern Indiana (Kentuckiana, known as the “Sunny Side of Louisville”)!

With forty published books and counting (series of varying lengths as well as standalone novels), JoAnn is the author of the beloved Lewis Legacy Series of contemporary Christian romantic adventures. She is also known for her popular Starlight Christmas Series, Catching Serenity, the Wondrous Love Series, the Treasured Vow Series, Whisper to My Heart, and The Valentine Verse.

Please browse this easy-to-navigate website and check out her many books (see the pull-down menu under the My Books tab).

JoAnn also writes under the pen name of Julianna Desmond. The pen name is reserved exclusively for a series of standalone, faith-based novels with similar titles and covers. You can find these books under the My Books tab, and there is also a separate Julianna Desmond Author Page on Amazon.

JoAnn loves to hear from her readers! Feel free to leave a message for her via this website, or you can contact her on Facebook (Author JoAnn Durgin) or her personal page.

Thank you most sincerely for stopping by the website. Come back frequently to discover her most recent releases!

New Release
An Early Spring by author JoAnn Durginn
Dial H for Hallelujah by author JoAnn Durginn
Assurance by author JoAnn Durginn
Assurance by author JoAnn Durgin
Dial Y for You're the One by author JoAnn Durgin
Love Upon a Midnight Clear by author JoAnn Durgin